If you've ever considered joining Stampin' Up! joining in Sale-a-bration (SAB) is the best time.
In a nutshell YOU get to choose $285 of products for $189, so we've already saved $100, as its SAB you also get to choose any stamp set in the current catalogues (this is where you chose the dearest stamp set on your wish list) and wait there's more we also receive a pack of mixed designer papers and I'm no expert any more but it looks like I have every DSP found in the new mini catalogue and what was the piece of resistance to me was that really cute mini trimmer, it's so cute it fits in my crafting bag. While you're active you also receive a discount on all your sales (personal or workshop orders).
At this stage there seems to be no plans to introduce the mini trimmer into the next Annual catalogue but if you really want one I'd say join the family now and I have to say that this is possibly the best offer to join Stampin' Up! that I have ever seen. If you'd like to know more about joining Stampin' Up! contact me I'd really love to chat to you about how fab this offer really is.
Did you know that Stampin' Up have also replaced their paper trimmer (new number to order is 152392) and this new beauty is one of the few trimmers on the market that has both imperial & metric measurements. The ruler extends to 17 inches or 43 cm. It comes with a cutting & scoring blade. The new blade lasts longer, cuts smoother & the cuts look really straight. Replacement blades are easily available from your demonstrator. The price is $53 which for a trimmer of this quality is phenomenal and as its SAB you're half way to $110 to earn a free Sale-a-bration reward.
✿ Karen ✿
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