26 May 2024

AAA Card Challenge 266: Sketch Challenge

I am so looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with for this sketch challenge. I have struggled for months with it. The joy of being on the Design Team, I get to see a year's worth of challenges and can work away at my own pace. This one has had me stumped as all I can see is "Mickey Mouse". I was going to use some circle dies and make a Mickey but didn't really have anything to use with the 3 black circles etc. and I've never been very good with punch art on a card.

Imagine my relief when I got a new stencil set which has triangles on it and then it was like yah I can make Christmas trees with it. I have to say this was quick, easy and only required moving the post-it note around to cover up triangles I didn't want to blend by accident. So this would be great to recreate for bulk card making for Christmas.

Supply List:
Stamps: Itty Bitty Holiday (MFT)
Ink: Mint (PFS), Meadow (PFS), Ocean Breeze (PFS), Versafine Clair Nocturne
Paper: Hammermill White
Other: Leaf and Sky Blue clear drops (PFS), Overlapping Triangles stencil (PFS), 1/2" blending brushes (PFS)
Challenges: AAA #266, JUG#728

I look forward to seeing what the Design Team and the entrants create with this sketch so hope you can play along too. I'm also going to play along with Just Us Girls as they are wanting stencils this week and my card is 3 stenciled triangles.



  1. that's a great take on the sketch and a good way to get a few Christmas cards in

    1. Thanks Maaike, I must admit this is my 2nd Christmas card for the year but it is good to get them started as OMG we are nearly half way through the year already.

  2. What a delightful CAS Christmas card, Karen. It would be an easy one to make multiples. Thanks for sharing it with us at Just Us Girls.

    1. Thanks Bobby and yes mass producing maybe necessary as this is only no.2 created for 2024

  3. Your triangles made perfect Christmas trees, Karen! I like your color choices too. Thanks for sharing this with us at Just Us Girls!

    1. Thanks I was pleasantly surprised how it all worked out so well and didn't end up in my granddaughters cards to work on pile;)

  4. Much prettier than Mickey Karen! I love your stylised trees in those pretty colours. Vicky x

  5. You're right, the sketch does look like Mickey! Love your interpretation and the Christmas trees are so pretty.

    sue n.


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