15 May 2024

AAA Colourful Dreamy Moodboard

It's time for another challenge with AAA Colourful and I am so delighted to be joining them as a Guest Designer this month. I love colour and was very excited when this new challenge blog started up and here we are at month four, doesn't time fly! 

This month's moodboard is so dreamy and it really reminded me of Craft Consortium's Ink Drop Papers which are perfect for those of us that would like the look of alcohol ink backgrounds.

I'm sure I not the only person who has watched a Jennifer McGuire video and went and bought what she was working with and I must admit this is how I own some CC Ink Drop papers and also some coverplate dies from Honey Bees (Delicate Daisy A2 Top and Base plates) after watching her create her usual magic. I have blogged about my first plays HERE and HERE. When Jane invited me to be the Guest Designer this month I went this will be easy that moodboard looks just like my DSP so I'll just tweak the card design using this time Vivid Ink Drops DSP (CC) and use a different "leaf" and the coverplate dies Jennifer "made me buy" for the background.

I'm really happy with my card but feel that my 3/4" paper strips maybe too green and the yellow seems to have disappeared in the strips. This is a no stamping card as the sentiment is a ready-made foiled sentiment from Pinkfresh Studio. The lovely leave die is Whirl Leaves (SSS)

Well I hope I have provided some inspiration for the moodboard or to just to use up some DSP in your stash as this truly is a really effective card and quite quick to put together which is always appreciated if you need a card in a hurry, this design would also work so well for Sympathy cards. I'm looking forward to seeing what the Design team came up for the challenge so hope you can join in, you have plenty of time to play along.

I'm also feeling like my colours are quite representative of the colours at The Paper Players at the moment so will join in with their latest challenge. Also Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge is to add a die cut and when you add a SSS die cut to your card it would be foolish not to enter as who doesn't want to win a $25 gift card to their store (it will pay for my postage back to NZ).

Thanks so much for popping in.


  1. fabulous take on our colour board. Thank you for being our GUest Designer this month at the AAA Colourful challenges

    1. Thanks Maaike I was really pleased to be able to join in with you all.

  2. Wow, so pretty! And you've certainly inspired me to check out those papers and cover plate dies. Thanks so much for guesting with AAA Colourful.

  3. I love this card 🍀 Greetings, Carla 🍀

    1. Thanks so much Carla, that's really kind of you!

  4. Fabulous creation Karen, perfect for the theme. CarolG

    1. Thanks Carol I wasn't quite sure after being so positive that this DSP was perfect for the challenge that it was right but it is what I thought of instantly looking at the moodboard.

  5. Wow! Your card is stunning, Karen! This designer paper is gorgeous. I LOVE the yummy texture on both the card base and the leaves. Thank you for playing in my color challenge at The Paper Player this week!

  6. Beautiful Karen! Thanks for joining us as a guest designer at AAA Colourful!


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