31 May 2024

Just Add Ink 704: Colour Challenge

I'm absolutely thrilled to be joining the very talented Design Team at Just Add Ink. As some of you might have read recently they celebrated their 700th challenge and I reflected on being there at the start of their challenge journey and so gosh what an absolute thrill in a good but also slightly scary way to be joining them "officially" as part of the DT.

One of the reasons I have enjoyed JAI over the years so much is the range and complexity of different challenges they post and for my starter DT card, it is no exception with a colour combo palate I found challenging. I was thinking to myself I maybe out of my depth here, if I'm honest.

I actually own all 4 colours from SU! and their reinkers so that was a good starting point but looking at the palate which certainly looks a pretty combo it wasn't reminding me of anything.

I then had decided on birthday balloons when I realised that was one of the parameters for last week, so it was back to the drawing board.....

As it's Autumn down under I thought of leaves and I still think this is an idea to play with. So play time  with a set called Delightful Leaves (PFS).

1. stamp and stencil below

2. stencil on top of some watercolouring with reinkers

Both were OK but I wasn't going ohh I love this when I had a light bulb moment and thought I would recreate a card I had made recently which you can see HERE but this time I would make my own Ink Drop Papers. I've used the reinkers, diluting with water and shimmers sprays to make a wash on watercolour paper and even if I say so myself I love it and I had a great time blending the colours. I was drying with my Heat Tool between colours, I was worried a couple of times I might make "mud" but I quickly dabbed at anything that looked dirty forming.

I then created 3/4" paper strips from my homemade DSP and also backed them up with a scrap of card stock also cut a tiny bit smaller than 3/4".

I've used my newest and latest embossing folder I have just bought Exposed Brick 3D (SU!) as my background. Added a brushed gold leaf which was already cut from the Lovely Layers: Spring Greenery (HB), I have popped some 1mm foam squares under the top bits to support them and then popped up a die cut out Hello using Gorgeous Grape (SU!) card stock with a vellum shadow. I have die cut the word out 3 times and glued together to make something a tad more sturdy with a hint of dimension. This die and shadow comes from SSS and looks like it was part of STAMPtember and so wouldn't be available to buy now but any sentiment or appropriate die cut would also work.

I'm really happy how this turned out and the shimmer sprays mixed with the reinkers means my homemade DSP is actually quite shimmery and really pretty IRL. If you're new to my blog thanks for popping in and I normally abbreviate the stamping companies I use a lot and you can find a key at the very bottom of the blog page if you can't guess it.

I am very pleased to get the first DT card done so now I can sit back and enjoy seeing what everyone created with this colour combo.



  1. Beautiful colours Karen

    1. Thanks Glennis I'm always surprised how colour combos turn out, you end up creating something different than you normally would create, often it's something you actually end up loving.

  2. It's always so much fun to play and your strips look stunning; I love that they have some shimmer too. A fabulous first DT project, you knocked it out of the park!

    1. Thanks Kerry so pleased to create something that really surprised me how much I loved it. I might have given up if I wasn't on the DT, saying that everyone's creations are so inspirational I may have gone a different route ;)

  3. Welcome to the Just Add Ink Design Team Karen. It is fabulous to have to onboard. Your first DT card is amazing. I love how you've created and arranged those fab strips of watercoloury ink drops. x

    1. Thanks so much Lou, I'm really happy to be playing along with you all.


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