3 June 2024

Be Fearless

This is the name of a new Pinkfresh Studio stamp set which was only officially released June 1st, 2024. Imagine my delight to have received the stamp set in my Creative Art Retreat box from  Jenn Shurkus pre-release, I'll have to wait a few months for the dies, stencils and press plate to arrive down under to buy them but as you can see below you just need the stamp though Jenn and her team have stamped and die cut out the Be Fearless for us and it wouldn't look as pretty if I had to do it by hand.

Jenn's Creative Journey Art box truly is a retreat the majority of our panels are cut, images are stamped and die cut so we just have to make pretty backgrounds and colour things which equals my happy place! The retreat is over 2 days with 2 sessions each day, both being 3 hours long. Normally the first day you spend time making backgrounds and colouring things, day 2 you make cards. This year we actually had to do some home work and stencil 4 panels with the Luna Paste we received using 3 different stencils we also received so they would be dry in time to colour up in class.

Well I'm working at my own pace and I have finished session one day 1 and unlike other events we haven't Copic coloured anything yet, we've being doing backgrounds and colouring with Distress Watercolor Pencils, also unlike other retreats of Jenn's we actually have a finished card after session one. You would have had to have done other events with Jenn to know that this is incredulous!

Anyhow onto the card where we have stamped the images from the stamp set randomly over a piece of Distress Watercolor paper with a waterproof ink.

We have then loosely coloured in the images with the distress pencils and then when dried coloured in with an even lighter wash.

Colours used for flowers: Saltwater Taffy, Dried Marigold, Spiced Marmalade, Sweet Mustard, Twisted Citron, Salvaged Patina, Shaded Lilac.

Same colours used for wash except no Spiced Marmalade and Squeezed Lemonade used instead of Sweet Mustard.

When dried we have trimmed an 1/8" each of all sides from the A2 panel or could be 1/4" inch of top or bottom and a 1/4" off one side but finishing off with a 4" x 5-1/4" panel to add to our card base. Sentiments been popped up with tiny bits of foam and a few gold glitter drops from Pinkfresh Studio to complete the card.

I'm actually feeling a bit overwhelmed with getting behind on Virtual classes in a box but this event is definitely my top pick for events to do if you are lucky enough to get in!


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