27 June 2024

I did it my way Jenn!

To be honest I can't believe I managed to do it again, yes I got my orientation wrong for another mixed media card with Jenn Shurkus, I'm not trying to do it different but I keep making the same mistake. This card maybe is even more complex than the last card I managed to do "my way" which you can see HERE.

I might start off with the supplies for this card; again we are using our exclusive stamp set from Tim Holtz/Stampers Anonymous curated from many sets and maybe resized by Jenn as well which has been created for this event as an exclusive stamp set. It's a red rubber stamp set and perfect for doing the mixed media techniques Jenn loves doing.
  • Distress Paints: Saltwater Taffy, Salvaged Patina
  • Distress Watercolor Pencils: Squeezed Lemonade, Dried Marigold, Saltwater Taffy, Scorched Timber
  • Distress Rock Candy glitter (RNG)
  • Waves stencil (NN) and Slippery When Wet Lunar paste (RNG)
  • Crunchy Leaf Ink (LF) - waterproof and alcohol proof
  • Distress Watercolor paper (RNG) and mister bottle

To create our background we dipped the first 3 watercolor pencils (as listed above and in that order one at a time)  in our tub of water, rubbed onto a plastic bag, misted and  smooched on the card with the bag in a U position. Dried with a heat tool and move onto next colour. After drying we could also add more colour if we felt we needed it.

We then used the Scorched Timber and moistened and rubbed over the "script" stamp. Misted very lightly and stamped.

The stamped image Explore, Dream, Discover  was created  with the stamp on a block and we have used  the Distress paints. We added a tiny drop to our work surface (glass or craft mat) and then using our fingers we rubbed lightly over the stamp, stamped in the middle of card stock, reinked up again with our finger and stamped either side. 

At this stage the A2 Panel was cut down to 4" x 4-3/4" and the plan was to have it at the top of the card above a small left over Lunar Paste wave we'd created from another card (which hasn't been revealed or finished by me as yet). The waves were coloured in with the Squeezed Lemonade and Saltwater Taffy Distress pencils and also trimmed to be 4" wide. Both panels were splattered with the 2 paints.

This is where I go wrong again! I added the wave to the bottom of the A2 Card leaving small "equal" border and then added the background panel on top of it lining it all up on the side and leaving small white border at the top. When I go to next stage I can see I've got it wrong but it's too late, ca la vie, it still looks fab

The shell stamp was added directly to the base as well as a small piece of extra watercolor paper with Crunchy Leaf ink. We have used our paintbrushes to just paint on the lines the Salvaged Patina paint.  We added Rock Candy glitter to the white parts of the shell and I used my Glossy Accents instead of Collage Medium which is why it's so lumpy, it's still cool and my way again!

I seemed to have had more white space at top and bottom so ended up using all 3 words to fill in some of it, Jenn only added one word for her card. Also I prefer to use 1mm foam squares/strips, I know Jenn uses 2mm.  A few gold glimmer drops from Pinkfresh Studio and viola done. It's hard to believe we are 2/3rd of the way through this Virtual event around 8 hour mark and no Copic Colouring as yet and still 2 more mixed media cards to come. They certainly take longer to create but a lot of fun. 


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