18 June 2024

Clean and simple birthday card

Two of my favourite challenge sites have something I love "cute" at AAA Birthday and "embossing and obviously CAS" at CAS on Friday, so thought I could easily make a card to suit my style with those  parameters.

I thought I would play with a really cute Panda stamp set I had recently purchased which hadn't seen ink for a card but my grand daughter likes stamping with it for fun, the other thing I'd also purchased and been on the lookout for ages was MFT's rectangle peek-a-boo window. I've used their square one a lot but the rectangle is normally out of stock. I found a fun embossing folder so we were good to go and using a panda stamp I only needed a few Copics to colour up the teeny wee heart balloon, party hat and the cheeks.

Supply List:
Stamps: Cheerful Panda Moments (ASD)
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black, Versafine Clair Nocturne
Copics: RV13/21/10 (darkest  > lightest)
Other: Bunch of Balloons 3D EF (ALT), Rectangle peek-a-boo window die (MFT), white Gelli roll pen #8, Prisma glitter (LF), 1mm foam squares (SP)
Challenges: AAAB#62, CAS on Friday #285

This was such a quick but in my mind really effective cute birthday card design so I am pleased I played along with both challenges.


  1. You do create the most fabulous cards. Love this one so much! Thanks for playing at AAA Birthday, hope to see you join in with future challenges too. Stay safe & keep crafting!

    1. Thanks Jane it was a fun challenge to squeeze in. Got to make as many cute cards as I can!


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