17 June 2024

Going nautical with Jenn

I'm slowly working away at my Art Retreat box from Jenn Shurkus. This box is different than other boxes I've received in the past as more mixed media focused so working with Distress Watercolor Pencils, stencil paste and now Distress Paint which I have never used before today.

Again we were so lucky to get an exclusive stamp set curated for the event from Stampers Anonymous and Tim Holtz, the set contains 12 stamps which have been selected from various sets and resized for what Jenn planned to do. 

For this card we were working with 4 of the stamps in the set. 

We started off with a base of watercolour paper and smooshed some Salvaged Patina Distress watercolor pencil to "centre" of an A2 panel, dried it with heat tool and then splattered Walnut Stain paint in a diagonal, then used our dirty water in our cup to splatter on same diagonal before drying with a heat tool. 

We then applied a wettened Pumice Stone distress watercolor pencil directly to the script/ledger stamp and spritzed lightly with water if not wet enough and stamped on the LHS (yes LHS), restamped without recolouring or wetting below first stamp impression. Dry again with heat tool.

This is where I managed to swap the orientation of my paper and when I used my Saltwater Taffy pencil and stamped it 4x I stamped it  with the script ledger on RHS. Then we did the same thing with the row of numbers using Uncharted Mariner pencil, the first impression and wettest one is top RHS, and then restamped bottom LHS.

The anchor was painted with Uncharted Mariner, Jenn's reasoning for using paint was that it was opaque and would sit on top of what we had created underneath. We then coloured in the holes of the anchor with white paint (Spellbinder's Splatter White) and when dried filled in with Distress Collage Medium and then sprinkled with Distress Rock Candy.

The wordfetti is an emboss resist - white embossed image and then the card coloured in with the paint left over on our work space. This was when I realised my anchor was upside down compared to Jenn's card but truly it doesn't matter and I added my wordfetti strips on the LHS in the "white space".

 When everything was dry we chopped 1/8" of all for sides and then mounted on an A2 card base where we had lightly ink blended Uncharted Mariner Distress ink. I've added a few Champagne glitter drops from Pinkfresh Studio.

Well writing it down here there were a lot of steps maybe this is why I am slowly working my way through the kit but again really enjoying the process and letting go as you don't know what will happen or even if you will stamp the right way up ;)

Thanks for popping in and I should have more to share real soon as the cards are coming together really fast now as so much prep already done, so that's a wrap for card 13 from this box.


  1. Looks amazing, I am impressed!

    1. Thanks Glennis I am amazed sometimes how it all works apart from me being a plonker and not working out which way is up when I do it with Jenn, more practice and maybe I can do it all by myself one day


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